It's Friday. I love Friday. Coffee tastes better on Friday. My feet hurt less after being in heels all day because they know for the next two days I am heelless.. Bliss.
I have a bunch of reviews prepared and will be blitz posting them this weekend. But Little Guy is asleep, so I thought I would take some time to have a "what's on my mind" post.
I have been finding myself checking out a lot of blogs lately. It's a cyber version of people watching...a hobby of mine. As an observer, I find that people are sometimes more honest in writing as they are in conversation. It's almost like they don't second guess themselves as they are typing, but their mind will censor their mouth when they are talking. Plus, when you are posting you aren't looking in the face of the person who is reading. It allows for more creative freedom in my opinion.
There is an enormous upside to this. Communication increases between people who wouldn't normally communicate. You find you have things in common with people who are states away. It's a lovely thing. I also think it's a double edged sword.
In being allowed to read some people's innermost thoughts and feelings, you may start to find out some things about people that you don't understand. You may read something and go "What the fuck?" Or "Wow..that was TMI." Or you could possibly have a moment like I did the other day and say...
"What Am I Reading This?"
I read for entertainment. I read for knowledge. Sometimes I read stuff just because it's funny. But most of the time, I look to gain something from what I am reading. I seek to understand at least something when I am done. And most often (99 percent of the time) I accomplish my goal. Unfortunately, in this case I did not. I didn't agree, understand or learn anything from what I read. But I am also aware that this person is not looking to educate me when they sit down at their computer and write. And they don't have to.
Writing is cathartic. I write all the time. I just finished writing an 11,000 word mildly erotic romance. Will you read it? Probably not. I write to release the words in my head. I have posted to a website steadily for years but don't throw that info out there (until now lol).
I guess all this rambling adds up to this: I am going to be more stingy with my blog reading time. I will stick to the blogs I currently enjoy and possibly branch off if those writers recommend someone. (I say possibly, because the Why Am I Reading This blog was a recommendation). As much as I like learning new things and cyber observing...if I can't wrap my head around your blog, I won't continue.
Now, you may feel the same way about mine. If you are having a Why Am I Reading This moment of your own...feel free to tell me why. And I would give you the few minutes back it took to read this...but I don't have that kind of power. Will you take a cookie instead?
Everyone enjoy your weekend!
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