Sunday, August 26, 2012

Writing..Just Not Here

My name is Jessie and I am a lazy blogger. But, I am not a lazy writer. I have been neglecting my blog for a very good reason (at least for me anyway).

The writing bug bit me in the ass and this time the sucker wasn't letting go. I have written two stories, about 30,000 words total, in two weeks. That is a lot for me. I haven't written for pleasure in awhile.

Once I started, I couldn't stop until I finished. Then I had to edit and re-write. More edits and re-writes. I back off for a little while, usually a day, then return with fresher eyes. At this point, the person who reads my WIP screams at me for my excessive comma use...makes me remove about a thousand of them and then blesses it.

You ask yourself...what does she do with all of that creativity? Nothing. I mean it. Not. A. Thing. I sometimes submit to a super-secret erotic stories website. But most of the time, it sits on my hard drive.

Now you are asking yourself...what's the fucking point of doing all that work if no one reads it? Simple. I do it for me. It's cathartic. It's like my love of baking as stress relief. Methodical, creative but it won't cause a sugar coma or a mess in my kitchen.

I sincerely apologize for slacking on my reviews. I was selected for jury duty this week. Apparently our justice system is desperate having chosen me. So I will be writing numerous book reviews in my head so I can come home and pick up my slack. Plus I will be bringing my brand new shiny Nook that hubby bought me because I am cute (and a good lay according to him). So that means reading time!

I am hanging my head in shame but damn if the stuff I wrote didn't make me very happy. So, please forgive me my adoring public and I will return to my regularly scheduled program very soon.

Stay safe folks...people are a little crazy out there!

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