Thursday, August 30, 2012

Giving Good....


I know exactly what you perverts were thinking. And I am so proud! Your dirty minds are going to have to take a brief hiatus for now. I need to get this out. We can get dirty next post, if you ask nicely of course.

Email. Besides text messaging, it is for some, a preferred form of communication. I email every day. All day. It's a necessary part of my job function. It serves as a track-able way to communicate (I love Cover Your Own Ass syndrome) but it also allows psychos like me to color code, flag things urgent and generally control inbox chaos in the misguided attempt to control everything else in life.

As an email aficionado, I appreciate those who give good email. I like thoughtful, well articulated responses. I don't mind length (tee hee) as long as what you are saying is relevant. I also don't mind brief...cause who doesn't love a quickie.

Giving good email is a talent. If it's meant to be an electronic conversation and you can make it rock. If it's supposed to be a lengthy missive set to inform and entertain...awesome. But before you click send realize something..there are no take-backs. Once you send that terrible joke or horribly misspelled paragraph out into the web universe that damn thing is gonzo. So allow me to give you some advice:

-Double check the email address. You do not want to be sexy emailing your husband, telling him you would like to be hogtied with your silk stockings and accidentally send it to some random dude whose email address is a digit/letter/period different from Hubby's. While I think it would be having to explain to random dude why that wasn't an invitation could be a pain in the ass.

-Spell check. It exists. Use it. Love it. Submit to it.

-Don't overdo it. If your point can be made in three sentences, use three sentences. Don't use four...and don't skimp by using two.

-Consider your audience. If you are having a "conversation" email I personally don't care about syntax and punctuation.If you are emailing your CEO...punctuate properly and god forbid use a damn comma.

That's all I have. I love good email. I like them long, short, with bodacious vocabulary or a few short words. (You are awesome. Three words...great email.)

And always remember to thank someone if required. People can detect bitch through email, so if that's not your intent, watch your tone. (This is a HUGE issue for me. I always have tone....It's my aggressive/aggressive nature.)

Do you have tips for giving it good? Send them to me. And if I peaked your interest...and you wanna give me a round of good email, I promise to reciprocate. And I give great email.  ;)

Have a good holiday weekend everyone. Fall is coming soon. That means pie season! Mmm pie. I am having a real attention span issue today...ohh shiny! Night night!

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