Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Opposites Attract: Follow-Up

Wow. I am really amazed at some of the emails I have received regarding my Opposites Attract post. So, despite my slight tipsyness (too much Woodchuck at happy hour) I decided to address the one question that seemed to be prevalent throughout the emails. I have included an excerpt of one such email below (with permission):


I think it's lovely the acceptance you have for your friends and what could be considered by most as an alternative lifestyle. It's not at all alternative to me. I am an old hat at BDSM (and I emphasize old because by my rudimentary calculations I have quite a few years on you). 

So indulge me by answering a question. I won't even make you call me sir. ;)

Do you plan on re-writing your friend's love story now that you know the "real" story?

I am very interested in your answer.

Warm regard,


R, Thank you for your question. And much to the disappointment of some of you, no I do not plan on writing Mark & Everly's story again. They have asked...several times. But I don't feel like I would do their story justice. This time I am adamant about that. Everly will not be convincing me this time.

My reasons are simple. I am uninformed. I simply know what I have been told, what I have read, or what my friends share. And that just doesn't cut it for me. Yes, I could research. Even find some people to ask questions, but then I think the story becomes something else. It becomes a tourist version of something that means a great deal to people who I care for.

But, I am willing to compromise. With Mark and Everly's permission..I will update folks on how they are doing and share some stories/anecdotes they are comfortable with me sharing. I have encouraged them to blog, but as Mark so eloquently stated "I can't write for shit" so I doubt that will happen soon.

So thanks again for all of the interest in my friends. I broke the cardinal rule of vacation and emailed them to tell them..and they were so excited they made their friends find me on Twitter to get to the post.

They are famous now :)

Have a good evening everyone...more reviews to come soon!


  1. Great post. I think you should reconsider your decision. If they have confidence in your ability to tell their story, you should too.

  2. Thank you. I have a feeling that when my muses return from vacation I will be hearing more about this.

    They can be VERY persuasive..but so far I am standing my ground.
